Consider Hosting a Family Meeting about Your Estate Plan

Consider Hosting a Family Meeting about Your Estate Plan | Gerson Preston

If you’re a business owner and a high-net-worth individual, you may want to gather your family members together to discuss the details of your estate plan. This can be especially important if you own a business that employs family members. These meetings are a little like the Scottish clan gatherings held hundreds of years ago by clan chiefs to discuss their succession and inheritance plans.

The Purpose of Gatherings

For centuries, some Scottish clans had a tradition of getting together periodically. When communication and travel were difficult, these gatherings provided a way to prepare for the future. Estate planning was simple then, with inheritances usually going to the eldest male in the family.

Of course, estates aren’t so simple today. After your death, your assets will be distributed under instructions from your will, trust and beneficiary account designations — unless some of your assets aren’t covered by such documents, in which case those assets will be distributed through the intestacy laws of your state. You can help your heirs accept the details of your estate plan by preparing them.

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