If you’re a parent or grandparent with college-bound children, you may want to save to fund future education costs. Here are several approaches to take maximum advantage of the tax-favored ways to save that may be available to you. Savings bonds Series EE U.S. savings bonds offer two tax-saving opportunities when used to finance college expenses: You don’t have to report the interest on the bonds for federal tax purposes...
Read moreIf your small business has a retirement plan, and even if it doesn’t, you may see changes and benefits from a new law. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0) was recently signed into law. Provisions in the law will kick in over several years. SECURE 2.0 is meant to build on the original SECURE Act, which was signed into law in 2019. Here are...
Read moreOne of your primary estate planning goals may be to pass as much of your wealth to your family as possible. That means sheltering your estate from gift and estate taxes. One way to do so is to make gifts during your lifetime. Current tax law may make that an enticing proposition, given the inflation-adjusted $12.92 million gift and estate tax exemption. However, making lifetime gifts isn’t right for everyone. Depending...
Read moreIf you have a child or grandchild in college — congratulations! To help pay for the expenses, many parents and grandparents saved for years in tax-favored accounts, such as 529 plans. But there are also a number of tax breaks that you may be able to claim once your child begins attending college or post-secondary school. Tuition tax credits You can take the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) of up...
Read moreFamily-owned businesses face distinctive challenges when it comes to succession planning. For example, it’s important to address the distinction between ownership succession and management succession. When a nonfamily business is sold to a third party, ownership and management succession typically happen simultaneously. However, in the context of a family business, there may be reasons to separate the two. Retaining control From an estate planning perspective, transferring ownership of assets to the...
Read moreThe Employee Retention Credit (ERC) was a valuable tax credit that helped employers that kept workers on staff during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the credit is no longer available, eligible employers that haven’t yet claimed it might still be able to do so by filing amended payroll returns for tax years 2020 and 2021. However, the IRS is warning employers to beware of third parties that may...
Read moreMany people include health care powers of attorney or advance directives in their estate plans so they have some influence over critical medical decisions in the event they’re incapacitated and unable to make decisions themselves. A psychiatric advance directive (PAD) is less well known, but worth considering, especially if your family has a history of mental illness. Health care directives To cover all the health care bases, have two documents:...
Read moreIf you own a home and rent it to a relative, you may be surprised to find out there could be tax consequences. Quick rundown of the rules Renting out a home or apartment that you own may result in a tax loss for you, even if the rental income is more than your operating costs. You’ll be entitled to a depreciation deduction for your cost of the house or...
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